What Is Motor Point Acupuncture?
Motor Point acupuncture is the stimulation of muscle motor nerves through the application of acupuncture, usually with electrical stimulation. When correctly located and stimulated with gentle electro acupuncture, the muscle will involuntarily contract and relax. This is used to help restore healthy muscle function when working with pain, range of motion and neuromuscular conditions.
What Is Motor Point Acupuncture Used For?
When a muscle becomes inhibited and weak or overly short and tight, it can cause pain and dysfunction. Muscular imbalances and dysfunction are key factors for many cases of chronic pain, sporting injuries and repetitive strain issues. Even in cases with structural issues many involve muscular imbalances that have led to the structural injury or have come as a result of the changes in structure.
Motor point acupuncture has been used when working with conditions such as:
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Elbow pain
Wrist pain
Back pain
Hip pain
Knee pain
Ankle pain
Plantar fasciitis
Post injury rehabilitation
Post op recovery
If you’re not sure if motor point acupuncture can help you with something specific, contact us here with any questions.
How Is Motor Point Acupuncture Different To Regular Acupuncture?
Motor point acupuncture uses the same needles but has a different theoretical background to the approach. Motor point theory is based on neuromuscular anatomy and principles, while acupuncture is based in traditional Chinese medicine theories. There are crossovers with many of the motor points and acupuncture points.
The other main difference is that motor points are predominately electrically stimulated to gain the desired effect, while acupuncture was traditionally stimulated manually (though there is an increasing popularity of electro acupuncture).
At Acupuncture Grove in Bondi Sydney, I use both traditional acupuncture and motor point acupuncture according to the person and condition.
How Is Motor Point Acupuncture Different To Dry Needling?
Again both use the same needles, and they have similar goals to restore muscle function, but will have different targets. Motor points located in the muscle at the entry points of the motor nerves that control movement. Trigger points, used in dry needling, are hyper-irritable tight bands within muscles that elicit painful referral patterns on palpation. There is some crossover between these points.
Dry needling will use manual needle stimulation that aims for twitching, or “fasciculation”, of the muscle. This can be a strong sensation for those not used to it. Motor point acupuncture will tend to use electro stimulation and while it can feel strange, can be a more gentle needling technique than dry needling.
At Acupuncture Grove in Bondi Sydney, I use both dry needling and motor point acupuncture where appropriate.
Where Can I Get Motor Point Acupuncture In Sydney?
Motor point acupuncture is a specialised treatment that is not taught as standard to acupuncturists. Understanding how to use this treatment method can only be gained through ongoing studies with qualified instructors, such as Rich Hazel and Dan Dominguez who I have trained with in person several times. There are only a handful of practitioners in Sydney who use motor point acupuncture.
If you would like to try motor point acupuncture in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, consider Acupuncture Grove in Bondi Sydney. Servicing areas such as Bondi Junction, Bondi Beach, Coogee, Clovelly, Bronte, Waverly, Randwick, Maroubra, Double Bay, Watson's Bay, Vaucluse and surrounding Sydney suburbs. You can book online here or reach out with any questions here.