Chronic pain conditions are often held in place by imbalances between yin yang elements within our bodies and lives.
Physically there will tend to be imbalances between muscles that are too tight, and muscles that are weak and underactive. A very common situation in the acupuncture clinic is to see someone for pain in the neck or back, but to really help, we have to work on the tension in the front of the body.
Our modern lifestyles, involving prolonged sitting and screen time, promote a posture where muscles such as the SCM, pecs and hip flexors shorten and tighten in the front, putting extra strain and pressure on muscles in our back such as along the spine and glutes. These muscles will become inhibited and weak due to a phenomenon called "reciprocal inhibition" where as one muscle contracts, the opposing muscle is inhibited to allow for the movement. When we're in the same positions for prolonged periods, this sets up an imbalance. Pain often occurs in the weakest, most vulnerable areas as a warning signal that something needs addressing.
Another yin yang imbalance that is often a part of a chronic pain cycle, is our balance between activity and rest. 21st century life tends to favour activity, productivity and constant achievement, while rest, recovery and stillness loses importance.
Nature works in cycles of expansion and contraction. Every inhalation is naturally followed by an exhalation. If you’re focused on getting as much inhalation as possible, without allowing for appropriate exhalation, you’re going to run into problems pretty quickly. If your body’s ability to recover is compromised, this will affect your ability to heal from chronic pain.
An acupuncturist's job is to assess and work with your particular web of imbalances that are keeping you trapped in a chronic pain cycle. Our goal is to help break that cycle and help restore a more comfortable natural rhythm for you.
If you have chronic pain and would like to try acupuncture in Bondi Junction Sydney, you can book online here or contact us here with any questions.